Please check your eligibility before booking
You must be aged between 40-74 to book an NHS Health Check
Use our simple online booking tool (Simply Book) to book an NHS Health Check at a location near you
Call 0300 033 6431 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm)
Drop in appointments are usually available on the day, so even if you haven’t booked, speak to the team if you see us out and about and they’ll see you in the next available appointment slot
Please note that when booking including contact details, your post code, date of birth and NHS number means we can locate your details to share the results with your GP practice and arrange for any onward referral that may be required
You can find your NHS number here
If you have been to the following countries in the past 21 days and are showing signs and symptoms (Fever, Headache, general feeling of being unwell) Please contact 111 and do not attend your NHS Health Check appointment.
Mpox information guide: Mpox – NHS (
A mini health check involves a blood pressure check and lifestyle conversation with a member of the team
Anyone can have a mini health check and it takes less than 10 minutes
Drop into any NHS Health Checks clinic (check dates below) and ask for a mini health check or contact the team on: 0300 033 6431
Click the link below to be taken to our booking portal to view upcoming dates and book an appointment online
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