Aged between 40-74? Book your FREE NHS Health Check now

NHS Health Check

What is an NHS Health Check?

Find out more about what to expect during your appointment 

The NHS Health Check is a free check up of your cardiovascular health

It takes about 20 minutes and involves answering some general questions about your health, as well as a few simple health tests  

The checks include: 

  • Height and weight 
  • Blood Pressure 
  • Cholesterol  
  • Blood sugar 
  • Basic questions about your family history, exercise, alcohol and smoking 
NHS Health check - helping you prevent diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke & dementia

Understand your risk and take action to improve your health

Even if you’re feeling well, having an NHS Health Check can tell you whether you’re at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke

You’ll be given a cardiovascular disease risk score, which is an estimate of how likely you are to get a heart disease or have a stroke in the next 10 years

You’ll also find out your possible risk of developing kidney disease and Type 2 diabetes

Depending on your score, you’ll be given advice about how to lower your risk with lifestyle changes

If you’re over 65, you will also be told the signs and symptoms of dementia to look out for

NHS Health Check Patient Leaflet

Large Print NHS Health Check Patient Leaflet